Home Entertainment Kamal Haasan’s much-anticipated release, Indian 2, directed by Shankar, unveiled its trailer...

Kamal Haasan’s much-anticipated release, Indian 2, directed by Shankar, unveiled its trailer recently, triggering a mixed response among viewers.


Critics took to social media to express their disappointment, labeling the trailer as ‘mid’ and ‘disappointing’. Many pointed out flaws such as outdated makeup effects, contrasting sharply with the high standards set by its predecessor, Indian (1996). One observer commented, “Indian 2 trailer is meh. Shankar seems to be outdated,” while another likened it to the style of Shankar’s previous work, ‘I’.

The trailer showcased Kamal Haasan in a multitude of roles, reminiscent of his earlier film Dasavatharam where he portrayed ten distinct characters. However, some viewers felt this abundance of avatars made Indian 2 resemble a parody of classic Shankar films rather than a serious sequel. Emotional depth also seemed lacking to some, further contributing to the overall disappointment expressed online.

Despite the polarized reactions, Indian 2 remains highly anticipated, with fans eagerly awaiting its theatrical release to see if the film will live up to its predecessor’s legacy.